Enhancing EverGreen.

Wooden Multi-Storey Construction (WMC) in Nordic Research Focus

A newly started Finnish-Swedish research project aims to compare Finnish and Swedish markets on wooden multi-storey residential construction.

Markets are studied from three angles:  1) consumer demand, 2) municipal strategies, and 3) wood construction industry business strategies.

The outputs of the project are expected to highlight key barriers and enabling factors for positive WMC market development. The project is expected to conclude by the end of 2022 and it is funded by the Finnish Ministry of Environment, and by the Swedish Formas. The project is carried out by The University of Helsinki, Department of Forest Sciences, Natural Resources Institute, Finland, and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. The following institutions are represented in the Advisory Board of the project: Chalmers University of Technology & University of Gothenburg, Centre for Sustainable Urban Futures; Swedish Wood; Ministry of Environment, Finland; and Dasos Capital Oy. The project web-pages: http://www.slu.se/KnockOnWood

For more information, please see the attached press release KNOW PRESS RELEASE 31052021 Final

For further information please contact Olli Haltia, olli.haltia@dasos.fi