Enhancing EverGreen.

Demand for Forest-based Natural Capital is Growing – Efterfrågan på Skog som Naturkapital växer

Forest-based natural capital, including related services, are formed by e.g. wood, biodiversity, carbon sequestration, land, water, wind & solar resource. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of United Nations (FAO) estimates that the global demand for forest products in terms of m3 equivalents will potentially grow by 37% by 2050. However, the demand for biodiversity, carbon sequestration and land infrastructure may grow even faster.

In Europe, the consumption of natural capital cannot be based on imported resources. We must invest more in sustainable forest management.

See Dagens Industri: https://www.di.se/brandstudio/dasos-capital/efterfragan-pa-skog-som-naturkapital-vaxer/