Enhancing EverGreen.

Dasos operations to accelerate Green Transition in the Baltics

Dasos is currently engaged to trigger substantial investment in renewables in the three Baltic states, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The targeted wind & solar capacity in the three countries in cooperation with Dasos could reach an annual production capacity of over 1 TWh.

As an immediate and urgent means to reduce dependency of fossil fuels, Dasos is supplying wood residuals biomass of some 20,000 m3/a (40,000 Mwh/a) for urban district heating and power in an efficient CHP context.

To provide forest-loss and biodiversity compensation for the construction of buildings and infrastructure, including grid lines, Dasos is setting aside forest conservation areas. With recent extensions, conservation areas by Dasos currently account for 4,000 ha in the Baltics.

For further information, please contact Sami Veijalainen sami.veijalainen@dasos.fi