Enhancing EverGreen.

Dasos delivers a presentation on mass timber construction at the International Conference on Green Buildings 2023

Dasos presented a paper titled “Mass timber construction creates liveable urban carbon storages” at the International Conference on Green Buildings https://www.icogb.org/, held between 19–21 May 2023 in Malmö, Sweden, and online.

The article added to the research on mass timber construction by combining building lifecycle analysis (LCA) with a forest growth model.

Dasos utilised a bottom-up approach by simulating a spruce dominated forest growth on Finnish soil and converting the harvesting yields from thinning and final fellings into cross laminated timber (CLT) apartment buildings. The combined analysis reveals the potential for storing carbon safely in the form of urban housing, and the forest will re-grow the carbon in the CLT apartment buildings in approximately 12 years of time. The proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer Environmental Science and Engineering (ISSN 1863-5539).