Enhancing EverGreen.

Dasos Capital funds’ owned company, Finsilva Oyj, has received a positive evaluation regarding the logging trails of thinning cuts

In the independent inspection conducted last summer by Tapio, it was observed that the quality criteria for logging were well met, the intensity of thinning was in line with recommendations, and the amount of logging damage was minimal. Nature conservation was predominantly well taken into account, and the selection of logging sites was economically sensible.

The evaluation included 41 randomly selected thinned forest stands of Finsilva from the Tampere, Jyväskylä, and Viitasaari regions. The assessment of logging trails was conducted on consistent forest stands after logging. Finsilva Oyj owns 130,000 hectares of forest and is one of the largest private forest owners in Finland.

News was reported by Maaseudun Tulevaisuus https://www.maaseuduntulevaisuus.fi/metsa/fc157ede-ffa5-48b1-8b36-6f199668fab5