Enhancing EverGreen.

A podcast where forestry experts discuss the opportunities of natural capital and forestry

Finsilva plc, Dasos portfolio company, has launched its own natural capital podcast where forestry experts discuss the opportunities of natural capital and forestry.

The first episode explores the question of whether natural capital needs an economy. The second episode considers what kind of markets should be created for natural capital. The third episode envisions the potential impacts of combining natural capital with the market forces.

The podcast guests are Sitra’s leading expert Tatu Torniainen, CapMan Plc’s CEO Pia Kåll, and the dean of the University of Helsinki Ritva Toivonen. The discussions are hosted by Finsilva’s CEO Juha Hakkarainen.

The podcast https://www.finsilva.fi/luontopaaoma/#podcast is in Finnish “Mistä hiilidokumenteista olikaan tarkalleen kyse nyt?”